
30/07: Beta?

I started randomly surfing today on blogspot and by following links from one blog to another, found some good articles on "betaing". Starting from Abraxan's blog (, I found Sherry Dyke's blog ( through Technorati and read this article about her exposure to the term 'beta'. Another one of her posts pointed to Glenda's blog ( which I found quite interesting to read. Click here to read the article on Glenda's blog.

She basically discusses the how, what, why and when of a beta in her novel writing advice. Being a beta reader myself, I admittedly, started reading it with a bit of amusement but that turned to respect as I continued reading it. I say 'respect' because the article answered each of the above questions about a beta in a very good way.

I would suggest every aspiring author to head over to Glenda's blog to read the article.

Asad  Writing 
Karma: 747 [Add to karma] 

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Thanks for the mention!
31/07 00:54:47
You are welcome!
03/08 08:15:36
Good articles, Asad (yours and Glenda's both!)! Thanks for pointing me to them!

::waves:: Hi, Sherri!
11/08 05:26:18

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